'Legacy Of President Lyndon Johnson In The Film Selma'

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From 1954 to 1968, African-Americans in the United States fought with great strength so they could have the right to vote. Not only this, but they also fought for equal rights and the end of segregation. To achieve this multiple activists lead people to fight against this. However, the one that brought incredible change and a great fight was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The film “Selma” unveils the trajectory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and his fight against racism and equality in America. This essay will discuss what Dr. King, Jr.’s relationship with President Lyndon Johnson and the Government, how president Lyndon Johnson was portrayed in the film, and how the different organizations and its people behaved with one another. President Lyndon …show more content…

Martin King to proceed with the Civil Rights Movement, however he does not want it to escalate to what might become a problem for him. As a result, President Johnson targets his family with false rumors regarding King. He specifically targets his wife, Coretta King, and their marriage in efforts to “dismantle the family.” He succeeds his attacks and causes Martin to have disagreements with Coretta. Looking at the relationship between the President and King and his efforts to upset King’s family, it is noticeable that their relationship hurts the Civil Rights …show more content…

President Johnson did not want his legacy to be compared to George Wallace’s legacy, which he expresses when he tells George Wallace, “I’ll be dammed to let history put me in the same place as the likes of you.” This indicates that President Johnson hoped that his presidency would leave a big mark on America and its history. President Johnson’s wish was accomplished when he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This Act led to the end of racial discrimination in the country, it was now illegal to discriminate people because of their color, among other

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