Lech Walewęsa Research Paper

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“He who puts his hand out to stop the wheel of history will have his fingers crushed” -Lech Wałęsa (www.brainyquote.com).
He was born the son of a simple carpenter, but much like another famous carpenter’s son, his impact upon the world was far greater than the circumstances of his birth and childhood. Though he never intended to become such an important figure on the grand stage of world history, and though he is still living, Mr. Wałęsa has already entered the pantheon of the world’s greatest leaders. Lech Wałęsa became very active in supporting his fellow workers during strikes, protests, and the establishments of the illegal unions. His activism grew, even though he was arrested, banished from employment, constantly watched, and harassed. Finally, in 1980, Lech Wałęsa made the most important climb of a fence in history to become the leader of the strike that would lead to the founding of the Solidarność (Solidarity) free trade union, leading to his presidency of Poland, and the fall of the Soviet Union.
Lech Wałęsa was born in Popowo, Poland on September 29, 1943. His father, Bolesław was a highly respected carpenter and esteemed member of his community. After refusing to work for the Nazis he was sent to work at the Mlynice concentration-labor camp. Though he returned from the concentration camp after the war, he died of exhaustion two months later, at the age of 34. Lech’s mother, Feliksa Kamieńska, came from an old Polish family and raised her children with the same strong traditions of patriotism and piety. After Bolesław’s death, his brother cared for Lech’s family.
After finishing school in Chalin and Lipno, he started working as an electrician at a Machine Construction Center. He was conscripted into the military, and s...

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...a Institute. Wałęsa has been granted many honrary degrees: the Medal of Freedom (USA), the Award of Free World (Norway), and the European Award of Human Rights (www.nobelprize.org).
Lech Wałęsa made the most important climb of a fence in history to become the leader of the strike that would lead to the founding of the Solidarność (Solidarity) free trade union, leading to his presidency of Poland, and the fall of the Soviet Union. Throughout his struggle for the simple and inalienable rights of citizens and worker’s to have their voice heard by their government, Poland is able to throw off the yolk of Soviet oppression, and enter an era of unprecedented freedom and economic growth. Although his struggle was confined to the boundaries of Poland, its effects reached every corner of the world, and serves to this day, as a vivid guide for oppressed people everywhere.

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