Leadership Strategies in Art of War by Sun Tzu

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There are many books on military strategy and ways to win wars or battles in the world. Every book, manuscript, poem, song or play written on winning wars in the world has a history. In this case study, I will address the 'Art of War' written by Sun Tzu as it is regarded as one of the best and most successful documentation of military strategies. I will also compare and contrast Sun Tzu’s leadership strategies as compared to and contrasted with those of great military leaders throughout history; to include experience with past and present military leaders.
We cannot be able to discuss the principal statement well without going back to the start of the Sun Tzu’s battles between the states of Wu and Chu around 500 BC. Sun Tzu depicts three key principals in the art of war; 1. Know your enemy and yourself and in 100 battles you will never be in peril; 2. To win 100 battles is not the height of skill- to subdue the enemy without fighting is; and 3. Avoid what is strong. Attack what is weak; and he also lists 13 chapters in his book.
1. “If the orders are unclear, it is the fault of the General” “maintain momentum” During the Invasion of Iraq on March 2003 the Americans forces won a swift victory. But what followed in Iraq were anarchy, rebellion, looting and loss of American lives as there was no plan by President George Bush after liberating Iraq. Generals just watched and gave no orders on what course to take as Iraqis looted ammo depots that were later used as IED’s against American soldiers. It was not until 2007 under General Petreaus counter insurgency plan that the violence died down.
2. “In war, numbers alone confer no advantage; Do not advance relying on sheer military power” This lesson we take from King Xerxes I at t...

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15. “War is a matter of vital importance to the State; It is matter of life and death, survival or ruin” Sun Tzu knows war leads to disaster sometimes it is better to avoid war and win by deception. When the American commander and the Vietnamese general met to end the Vietnam War. The American commander stated I could have defeated you in a direct battle but the Vietnam commander states but we won the war. (A&E)
As of today, America is one of the 8 super powers of the worlds it was by using Sun Tzu’s principals. In fact, it is the victor in war that writes about its successful campaigns. From the Battle of Thermopylae 490 BC to the Global war on terrorism Iraq 2007 depicts the successes of Commanders by using Sun Tzu’s principles applied some way or form. Sun Tzu's “The Art of War” is considered as one of the most successful documentation of military strategies.

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