Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory Of Cognitive Development During Childhood Development

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In today’s politically correct world, gender identity plays a very controversial role. There are instances where people are criticized for saying or doing certain things that may offend the other gender. These gender sensitive events can be rooted from childhood development. There are several theories that have been supported throughout the years, which aims to explain how gender roles are developed. I personally believe out of all the theories that the Cognitive-Development Theory is the philosophy that accurately explains how gender is developed during childhood. Lawrence Kohlberg was born in the United States of America and grew up studying psychology, and eventually became a world-renowned psychologist. Kohlberg was famously known for his theory of cognitive development during gender identification in childhood. His theory is centered around the idea that children themselves are in …show more content…

They find peace within that sex group because of the comfortability they feel. The biggest thing to take from this definition is the fact that they do not have to identify themselves as their same sex. A male may identify themselves as female, and vice versa. There is no wrong in how they identify themselves. Culture can prove to influence gender identity, especially within the Latino culture. Male have a huge sense of being the protectors, bread-winners, and source of order and power. While women are seen as helpers, care-takers, and serve men. Growing up in this culture can strongly influence gender identity, as well as their role in the future, as soon as a child is born. A gender stereotype within the culture could be that boys eventually become the “man-of-the-house,” and have to get a job that helps to financially provide for his own family, while the girl grows into a “housewife,” that has responsibilities to cook, clean, and care for the

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