Social Movements in Latin America: An Analysis

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The article Social Movements (Latin America) by Berkshire Publishing Group was mainly explaining what a social movement is about. The author explained that a social movement is usually a group of people who are fighting for a cause. The reason for the social movement can varies from a change wanted in their jobs to politics. One of the examples that caught my attention was the example of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, who were a group of women who were fighting with the government and demanding them to find their children; who had unfortunately disappeared in war. The social movement consisted mainly of women who were affected by the war. These women made themselves visible to the public eye and caused a scene in a plaza, in which they publicly blamed the government for their lost children. This movement ended with the women engaging in other political concerns in advance of the first reason for why they started the …show more content…

However, not everyone thinks about the losses and how it can affect a group of people. During the article one quote caught my attention the most: “..they assumed more radical positions and began to engage broader political concerns. The mothers felt responsible to carry on their children’s political work and advance the agenda..”(Berkshire Publishing, Social Movements (Latin America), pg4.) This quote was very important to me because it was the whole point of what social movements are, change. These mother, that I explained about above, created this movement and it led them to open their eyes to what other issues were out their. This is so important to me because if others were to know the horrors that are out in society and the pain other would go through, change would be made. Several issues in the politics and simple issues like in the education system would create a better society when changed. What these mothers did is inspiring and brings hope for the

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