Last Stand Of The Orangutan Essay

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Corporate use of land and resources has a highly negative impact on animals, humans, and the ecosystem as a whole. The palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia are ruining the ecosystem of that area. Those same plantations are causing animals to go extinct. The article, “Last Stand of the Orangutan” written by United Nations Environment Program talks about orangutans. Orangutans are endangered and are at risk of going extinct due to logging, forest fires and palm oil plantations. (United Nations Environment Programme) Illegal logging should receive a harsh punishment and although that is an ideal way to address this situation, it is not realistic. The companies and people that are involved with illegal logging sell the wood and trade with other companies until the wood is virtually unidentifiable and they can no longer track back to where the wood was logged in the first place. Animals should be able to live comfortably in their environment. This is a great idea but it is not possible due to logging. There is not a genuine reason to ruin this region. We already have so much wood supply in other regions. Animals cannot overpower us and it is unfair that we are taking away their homes …show more content…

When the article, “Last Stand of the Orangutan”, was written there were 7,300 orangutans left. Orangutans are key to their ecosystem. They are known for being seed dispensers and regulating the water and climate. When you remove a central factor in an ecosystem it degrades the environment in that region. Nature is no longer able to maintain its balance of nutrients and beauty. Nature would then require outside support to recover. The only entities that have the monetary resources to take care of the problem frankly do not care about the environment. If corporations cared for the environment they would not have cut down trees and established palm oil plantations in the first place. (United Nations Environment

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