Larry Nassar Case Study

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The former USA gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar, was sentenced another 40 to 125 years of prison Monday by Judge Janice Cunningham. Nassar has been accused of molesting and sexually assaulting over 265 young women and girls while “medically” treating them for their injuries. He gave a very convincing apology in Eaton County Court, monotonically saying that the victims statements have impacted him and changed him for the better. Despite this apology, the judge of the case says Nassar’s invasive bare handed pelvic procedures had no medically legit purpose and were conducted out of sick and diabolical reasoning. Judge Janice said that Nassar doesn’t understand the impact of his actions on the victims and their families and friends. She also states …show more content…

Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics, Michigan State University and the FBI are questioning whether or not more could have been done to stop Nassar and are investigating to try and find answers to these questions. More than 200 victims gave statements for Dr. Larry Nassar. Many of these include Mattie Larson, Megan Ginter, Jordyn Wieber, Jessica Smith, and a very empowering speech from Aly Raisman. They all say that they reported Nassar's actions as far back as 1997, but they were ignored because they were only “little girls”. The Judge of the case speaks for the minds of everyone when she said that it is unbelievable that so many people got hurt, and it all could have been stopped if we had just listened when they first spoke up. But now Nassar is getting the karma he deserves and is sentenced to 40-175 years in prison for molesting the young gymnasts and another 60 years for possession of child pornograpahy. Nassar was able to conduct these invasive medical exams at Twistars gym where cruel, harsh, and abusive coaches were normal, making it easy for Nassar t continue the molestation of girls. Many people had something to say about Nassar’s actions, saying that he committed depraved acts of penetration and enjoyed it, and how his side of the story was believed over the childrens for so many years causing all the

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