Language and Culture

1626 Words4 Pages

Many individuals view language and culture as separate entities; however there is an interrelationship between language and culture. This paper focuses on the idea of language and culture, and how they complement each other. It explains how to effectively incorporate language and culture into teaching and learning practices and how to use one’s own identity to shape the way he or she teaches in the general or ESL setting. Also, it discusses how to incorporate cultural and linguistic diversity into the classroom in order to support and guide the teaching and learning process. Lastly, how to identify some culturally appropriate ways to engage, communicate with, and involve ELL students’ families and the community.

Language can be defined as written or vocal patterns that lead to an understanding. It is the driving force behind the language production process, writing and speaking. Once language leaves the production process it is transported to the language receptors, reading and listening, in order to form ideas. Without language, meaningful human interactions, conceived by communication, would be limited. Culture is more complex, but yet it compliments language.

Culture determines the similarities and differences that exist among humans. Culture is broken into two sub-categories; visible culture and invisible culture. Visual culture consists of concrete items that are easy to see or visualize It is easy to recognize visible culture because it’s factual information, such as literature, architecture, history, festivals, traditions, clothing, and cuisine. Typically when people are asked to describe their culture they provide detail answers about their visible culture like historical events, geographic regions, or music. Invisible...

... middle of paper ... and business. Since American teacher’s identity were molded by invisible culture aspects, they inherently expose these beliefs onto their ESL students.

Overall, language and culture are very similar in array of ways. When ELL students assimilate to a new culture they learn new behaviors and habits which is regulated by language usage. Language and culture are effectively implemented into ESL classrooms through the use of authentic materials and texts, like T.V sitcoms or sample writings. Teacher’s own identity shapes the way he or she teaches in the general or ESL setting by emphasizing what was critical during their educational experience, such as punctuality, independence and collaborative work. Lastly, inviting in parents to participate in read alouds’ and use a variety of multimedia material are just a few ways to instill goals and skill in ELL students.

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