Landon Nursing Scholarship

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For this exercise, I wanted to focus on a case for support for nursing scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students in the state of Georgia. For the “Why us?” question, I wanted to incorporate storytelling and emotion. “Why now?” needed to provide a sense of urgency. And, “Why you?” needed to demonstrate a donor-centric tone and focus. If this were a real case, of course, this document would be around 1 page with an attractive visual appeal. It would also be reviewed and edited through many iterations with input from the board and others. This case for support could be used at events/meetings involving nurses or others in the healthcare field. Why us? “As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body …show more content…

Landon’s maternal grandmother, Jessie, told young Landon that one day he would be called to something greater than he could understand at the time. But, Landon said he knew it long before he had the words to describe it. Healing was in his blood. Nursing was his calling. And so, Landon answered that call by studying nursing at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University and then joining the staff of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. There he dedicated his life to healing young people with acquired and congenital heart defects. Like all nurse, Landon gave comfort in times of trouble and hope in times when all hope seemed …show more content…

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, more Americans than ever now have access to healthcare services. This may seem like a good thing since nurses play such a vital role in the administration of preventative and routine care (two of fastest growing areas of healthcare). But in reality, the United States has a massive nursing shortage and the problem is likely to only get worse. Due to the influx of patients into the healthcare system and the aging and retirement of baby boomers, nursing positions aren't being filled fast enough to keep up with demand. In fact, 2-3 million baby boomers will age into Medicare every year for the next 30 years. For this reason, the need to fill nursing positions will outpace nearly all other fields. The Landon Padgett Foundation is ready to act! We are prepared to get Georgia students into nursing programs across the state. But we cannot do it alone. Why you? With your help, we can provide much-needed financial support to the next generation of Georgia nurses. Here’s how your gift of support will be

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