Lamb To Slaughter And Guy De Maupassant

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A Scottish proverb instructs the reader, "not to judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat," claiming looks can be deceiving. Author Roald Dahl, who wrote the short story "Lamb to Slaughter", and author Guy de Maupassant, who wrote the short story, "The Necklace", created their stories based off a theme similar to the Scottish proverb. Dahl and Maupassant write the theme, looks can be deceiving, into their stories by using symbolism and imagery to express the theme looks can be deceiving.

The authors craft their story using symbolism to share the theme of the story with the reader. Dahl shows deception of appearance through the murder weapon, a frozen lamb chop. In the story, the detectives on the case are fooled, and they

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