Lady Chatterley's Lover Response Paper

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Stephanie Huynh Ms. DeRubertis HEnglish 12 21 October 2016 Response Analysis (Fiction) 1. I read Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence. I read 323 pages from the book, which means I read the entire book. 2. After finishing the book, I wasn’t surprised that she ran away from Clifford because she repeatedly said how she did not want to go back to Wragby. In addition, before she met Mellors, she repeatedly says how she feels nothing when Clifford reads to her or when she is having sex with Michaelis. That was her chance to escape from Clifford’s control and to be with the person she loves. I disliked Clifford even more toward the end when he refused to have a divorce with Constance. He needs Constance by his side, but I think it was selfish of him to keep someone by his side for his own benefit when Constance strongly dislikes Wragby. I also understood the social class in the 1900’s. The hierarchy class is a symbol of an order. The scandal about Constance having an affair was not because she was …show more content…

The two most beautiful quotes from Lady Chatterley’s Lover are ““I had to come and see the chickens!” she said, panting, glancing, shyly at the keeper, almost unaware of him. “Are there any more?”” Constance shows affection to chickens because it represents captivity. She is able to relate to the chickens because they are made to fulfill the women’s role. I thought Lawrence purposely chose to use chickens because chickens are viewed as animals that are worth not admiring, but they are very essential since many people eat chickens. Another quote is “The beautiful pure freedom of a woman was infinitely more wonderful than any sexual love.” During this time, women lived in a male dominant society and many were oppressed by their husband. This quote is very meaningful because it shows their desire to be free and there was nothing that could replace that desire. It emphasizes that even having a passionate relationship does not even compare to the feeling of being

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