Ladrian Forest Monologue

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Prologue P1: Ruins in Ladrian Forest

Bryne Village at the foothills of Mount Ladrian

A large, majestic mountain stood tall, reaching high up into the firmament piercing the clouds. As the forest that draped across it from the middle of the mountain to its foothills started to come alive with the singing of birds, and the far reaching calls of other wildlife. At the very edge of the forest a long, meandering river that flowed calmly during this summer morn could be seen snaking out from the forest. leading to a large village nestled among the foothills of Mount Ladrian.

Early in the morning as the sun starts to rise dying the horizon in hues of purple, gold, and red the village of Bryne could be seen waking from its slumber. As farmers could be seen getting up to tend to their fields, the …show more content…

Alice! It’s time to get up! Come eat your breakfast. I need the both of you to go tend to your chores afterwards.” [Mother]

“I am awake Mum, it’s El who is still laying in bed with his pillow over his head.” [Alice]

Moving my pillow to the side so I could glare at her, I watched my twin sister role her light grey eyes at me as she tidied up her clothes to look as presentable as possible in her summer wear. With a pale blue ribbon tying her long, wavy, chestnut hair up into a ponytail. A white blouse and a matching pale blue skirt that reached halfway down her shins with light leather boots that went to just below her knees.

“I’m just taking a moment before I get up! (It’s not like my chores are going to run away. Although if they did. I’d probably be sent running after them anyways…) [Elsarius]

“Stop you’re grumbling and get to it then! Your father will be back from hunting around midday with the others with whatever they’ve caught. And all your chores need to be done as you’re both old enough now to learn how to hunt from him. [Mother]

“The both of us!? Does that mean I’m not going to have to learn how to sew and cook anymore!?”

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