Lack Of Knowledge In Fahrenheit 451

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Modern high school students lack the knowledge of past generations. This is a detrimental happening in society. Current students in high school do not partake in academia like previous learners. Technology has curved society into a ‘phone in hand at all times’ culture. Many scholars do not even open a book, they rely on Google and other forms of shortcutting to the answer. The deficiency of literature in present day culture creates a deficiency growth of information. The dumbing down of the current generation could have long reaching effects. This can be seen in Fahrenheit 451, where with the destruction of books, the government controls the ability to accumulate knowledge and be unique. If society is left without books, a population will become homogenous and without knowledge. In Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag wants to find his true meaning of life through books. Books are so revered that Montag must hide his books to avoid punishment. This proves that the government does not want the general populous to read literature because it is so valuable. Ideas cannot be taken away once committed to the brain. …show more content…

The ideas a person learns throughout their life sticks with them. Much of the books read in the early years of schooling taught children the fundamentals of being a good friend, or how to behave in public. These lessons all students read are engrained with them because it had a lasting impact on their life. High school students remember what they learned in psychology class because maybe they want to be a psychologist, or are interested in the material. In fifth grade, students have to read three books a quarter. Students choose books that interest them; if the subject matter interests them then they are more likely to retain any information they have learned. All books have a

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