Kyani Foods Case Study

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KYANI NUTRITIONAL FAQs Question 1: I’ve read all the information about the ingredients in the Kyani products. I’d like to know how do they work together to benefit my health? Answer 1: Without going into all the scientific and dietitian languages, let me give you an example. When you look at a mosaic tile, you see a delicately balanced, beautifully created design. All the various colored pieces are precisely positioned and held together with a strong adhesive. If you look at your body as a mosaic tile, that is what Kyani products can do for you. All of the nutritional ingredients are exactly blended to furnish your body with all the precisely measured and balanced vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other trace elements that your body needs on a daily basis to maintain optimal well-being. …show more content…

But, as with all daily supplements, taking more than 100 percent of your body’s needs will not give you more nutrients. Anything more than 100 percent of the daily recommended allowance of a nutrient will not remain in your system for long. If you are looking for an added boost to your mental or physical performance, try one serving size of a Kyani Nitro supplement. Kyani Nitro FX is perfect as a pick-me-up for normal daily activities. Kyani Nitro Xtreme is ideal for stressful situations or for heavy workout routines. Kyani Nitro products is the purest form of Noni concentrate available that give you an added heart, muscle, and energy lift that lasts for hours. Question 6: If Kyani Nitro products are so beneficial, can I take them more than once a day? Answer 6: Yes, it is safe to take Kyani Nitro products once or twice a day. Because the boost lasts for several hours, it is not recommended to take an energy enhancing product several hours before going to bed as it may cause nervousness or sleeplessness just when you want to relax. Question 7: Does Kyani offer a return policy if I don’t like the

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