Kristallnacht Was Responsible For The Outbreak Of The Holocaust

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Kristallnacht, otherwise known as the night of broken glass, marked a crucial turning point in the Nazis' anti-Jewish policy and may be considered the beginning of what is now called the Holocaust. Kristallnacht occurred on November 9-10, 1938, in cities throughout Germany. Kristallnacht was a pogrom that influenced Jews to leave Germany. The name ironically comes from the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these programs. The one responsible for the act is Adolf Hitler. The hatred towards Jews wasn’t only because of Hitler. People previously disliked Jews. It wasn't a new thing, but Hitler was the one who took action toward his beliefs—the message Hitler wanted to spread around got around. Kristallnacht very much sent a clear …show more content…

In reality, Kristallnacht was a state-sponsored vandalism and arson (“Holocaust Encyclopedia”). Nazis planned to use fear as their weapon. They thought that threats against the Jews who were still in Germany would silence outside critics of the Nazi Government. In October of 1938, during riots, local Nazis set hundreds of synagogues on fire. Vandalized thousands of Jewish-owned establishments, broke into homes, smashed furniture, and terrorized Jewish families. He wanted to encourage violence against Jews, and he did. Large numbers of non-Jews, or “ordinary” people, were involved in looting, picking up goods thrown out onto the streets, and benefiting from the expropriation of Jewish property (“Lives destroyed by Nazis”). No matter how hard the Nazis pushed the Jews, no one in the world would try to stop them (“Fitzgerald 15”). Both young and old turned out to humiliate Jews. That night numerous men, women, and children were taken in box cars and taken away to concentration camps on the days of the event.During all of the looting and destruction policemen did not protect Jew's property neither did firemen put out fires in buildings and

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