Krakens Informative Speech

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A kraken is an enormous mythical sea monster said to appear off the coast of Norway. However, in a more exaggerated definition, a kraken is an island sized sea monster that not only rules the ocean, but terrorizes it. For years krakens have been a popular topic in the mythical fantasy of people’s minds, from legends of the appearance to stories of attacks. All in all, krakens are known to be humongous sea creatures feared by all sailors from their history in killing and their disastrous behavior. For centuries some of mankind has pondered the existence of krakens. Some believe them to be a myth while others believe them to be real. What is it about them that intrigue people? To begin with, krakens are massive. In source one; it says that …show more content…

When sailors saw the kraken, they knew that death was staring them dead in the face. It was known that Krakens could demolish anything in their path. In source five, it states “when the kraken attacked a ship, it wrapped its arms around the hull and capsized it. The crew would drown or be eaten by the monster.” Along with drowning or being eaten, a person could be punctured by a piece of the destroyed ship. In source two, Pontoppidan says “that the most danger the kraken represented to ships came from the disturbance it made as it came to the surface or whirlpool as created as it descended below.” The kraken was so large that a large portion of the ocean would be affected and anything in that area would fall into the depth of the ocean and become damaged. This also makes sense as to the majority of the sailors on the ships would die when the kraken emerges from the ocean and the other sailors that survived would die when the kraken goes back under the …show more content…

In the movie, the kraken is summoned by black beard with three words; “release the kraken!” these words then lead up to damaging events. In matters of seconds, several slimy tentacles emerge from the water up from under the boat. One by one, men are yanked from the ship to their death. The tentacles envelop around the waist of the men. They were either thrown into the mouth of the beast or drowned in the ocean. The arms then rose up over the main mast and crashed down on the ship, breaking the boat into two. Bodies’ flying everywhere, the kraken demolishes the vessel. In one scene, the kraken’s mouth opens up and one of the arms throws a man into the razor sharp teeth opening. This scene in the movie portrays what many people imagine an encounter with a kraken would

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