Kitten In Frankenstein

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Doctor Frankenstein tried to raise the dead, but no one liked his creation. Although death may seem curable to the deluded, but it is only in fiction. Parents also know this, but keep it from their children to protect them. Five years ago, I realized I was being told the little white lies about death, and I realized that death is truly incurable. Five years ago on an early fall Sunday, my day started out normal. I woke up and did my daily routines: ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and fed the animals. While feeding the animals, I noticed something askew. One of our kittens was missing. A missing kitten is not a big deal because it could simply be hiding in the barn, but for some reason that kitten stayed in my mind for the rest of the day. …show more content…

I dunked the kitten’s mouth in the water, but the kitten still blew bubbles instead of drinking. I opened its mouth and put food in the kitten’s mouth. The kitten would not eat. I tried everything, but was met with failure after failure. Eventually I accepted the truth. The kitten would not survive. The kitten was ill and it could not stand up on its own. Crying to myself, I forced myself to walk down the stairs and out of the barn with heavy feet. All through the night, I thought of the kitten. I hoped it would survive. That maybe the kitten would be better by morning. The kitten plagued my dreams. That night I could not sleep. In the morning I ate my breakfast with dreadful anticipation. I knew in a little bit I would know if the kitten survived the night. I got dressed and did my daily routines. Then I bolted outside. I took an empty can and filled it with cat food. When I got to the barn, I dumped the food for the other cats then ran up the stairs two steps at a time. When I got there my heart dropped. It was clear that the kitten was dead. I trudged back inside, and told my mom. After all my efforts, the kitten was dead. Then the realization came that I could not prevent death, and that all the “runaway” cats mom had told me about in the past were dead too. I knew I could not tell my brother, so I told him his cat had run away instead, using the same words my parents would use on

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