Kite Runner Redemption Research Paper

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The Importance of Being Good Again
Redemption is atonement in the aftermath of a sin, it is beyond forgiveness. Redemption cannot be gifted as money or books can, redemption can only be found within. Individuals can only find redemption if they are morally satisfied that they have righted a wrong that they have committed. If they do not feel that they have adequately made up for their mistakes, then the memory of their actions burdens them with guilt and regret. Khaled Hosseini discusses struggles of obtaining redemption through the character of Amir in The Kite Runner, and the adverse effects it can have on one’s soul if redemption is not found. Amir seeks redemption within himself to atone his actions against his childhood “friend” Hassan, in order to relieve a burden of guilt and regret that eats away at his mind. Living with these afflictions become unbearable at a point, Amir cannot go a day without thinking about what happened between him and Hassan, and thus wants to resolve his past actions. …show more content…

After running away from Hassan’s molestation in the alleyway Amir kept on running away from his problems. He thought redemption was impossible, and that Hassan would never forgive him, but Hassan could not redeem Amir for the betrayal, only Amir could. Only Amir could redeem himself by making things right in his own mind. Redemption can only be found if one is ready for it. At this point in his life, Amir is not yet knowledgeable yet in himself and the way the world works to understand that he needs to delve within himself to achieve what he

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