Kite Runner Essay

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Kite Runner is the story of a boy named Amir who must flee his native country of Afghanistan after the Russians invade. The movie starts with grown Amir, who has just received his first shipment of his novel, “Falling Ashes.” It pans back to Amir’s childhood, showing him playing with his best friend Hassan. Hassan is the son of the servant of Amir’s family, and he is very loyal. Amir sometimes feels depressed because his mother died giving birth to him, so he writes stories and shares them with Hassan, who is illiterate. Another activity they do together is kite flying. The boys practice together until they are ready to enter a competition. Amir is declared the winner after cutting the last kite, and Hassan runs to find the fallen kite so …show more content…

Amir finds Hassan and watches while it happens, but doesn’t do anything. Later Amir tries to get Hassan to stand up for himself, but Hassan remains loyal. Their friendship withers, and soon Hassan and the servant will leave. Shortly afterward, the Russians invade Syria so Amir and his father must leave. They head to Pakistan, where they are able to find transport to the United States. Amir’s father, once wealthy in Afghanistan, is forced to work full time at a gas station in the Afghan community of Fremont. There Amir graduates from community college and meets a girl he likes. Things take a darker turn when Amir’s father is diagnosed with lung cancer, presumably caused by smoking. Before he dies, Amir asks his father to arrange his marriage with Soraya, the daughter of an important Afghan military man. Soraya confesses to Amir that she had a relationship with another man, but Amir loves her the same. The pair is married, but are unable to bear children. One day Amir gets a phone call from his father’s friend in Pakistan saying he needs to come to see him. The friend tells Amir that Hassan was actually Amir’s half brother, because his father had an affair with the servant’s

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