Kite Runner

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Guilt tends to stick with us as Platous said, “Nothing is more wretched than the mind of a man conscious of guilt.” In The Kite Runner Amir lives with the guilt of having witness Hassan get raped. “I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost the rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had, But I didn't, I just watched Paralyzed.” Throughout the most part of the book we see that Amir lives full of guilt for not helping Hassan and the guilt really gets to him towards the end of the book. Hassan got raped right in front of Amir and he didn't stand up for his “friend.” But Amir pays a big price for not having help Hassan. He had two options, “I could step up into that valley, stand up for Hassan” or “Run,” (pg. 77) the decision of running affects him and makes him a terrible friend because unlike him Hassan has always been there for him. “Hit me back goddamn you!’ I wished he would. I wished he’d give me the punishment I craved, so that maybe I’d finally sleep at night.” (pg. 92) After the incident with Hassan, Amir has had a hard time getting some sleep at nig...

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