Kiss Of The Spider Woman Analysis

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People have and always will enjoy a good read. The success of classics such as William Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet, and The Merchant of Venice validate this. Modern authors are no exception to this ideology. In Manuel Puig’s 1976 hit, Kiss of the Spider Woman, the audience is introduced to two characters that inevitably fall into situations of adventure, romance, and deception. These elements are embedded in human kind’s tales all across the ages. The first of the two protagonists, Molina, is an easy-going, homosexual window dresser. Meanwhile, the second of the two protagonists, Valentin, is a non-homosexual, hot-blooded, political anarchist. These two are polar opposites who, in the wilderness of society, do their best to avoid each other’s presence; but being trapped in a prison cell together doesn’t give too much space for options. As the book’s title suggests, there is Spider, and therefore, there must be prey. The question is who is who?
One of the most fundamental laws of nature states that predator must chase its prey. The predator works to consume the prey in any way that it knows how. This is no different in society. No matter the size, shape, or form, anyone and everyone is either predator or prey. One point of view that can be suggested is that in the novel Molina is the predator, while Valentin is the prey. Molina is a man who uses emotions as a weapon of choice. Molina’s constant use of emotion hides the real web of deception that hides underneath. Molina manipulates his emotions, and others, to get what he wants; like when Valentin, the political anarchist, falls ill. Molina creates a bond with Valentin through the telling of his favorite movies. These movies would entail of romance, seduction, and fast paced a...

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...r and fly. From his obsessive desire to keep a story alive, to his manipulation of emotions, and finally to his sinking of teeth, figuratively of course, into Valentin’s flesh, Molina really is, as Valentin put it in the novel, “… the spider woman, that traps men in her web.”(260) it couldn’t have been put better by anyone else. However as this is the circle of life, every predator has something up the food chain. Life is the ultimate Prey to Death, the Ultimate Predator. Molina’s death in the end of the novel, with him ironically not doing something for himself but for Valentin, is the great signifier. This has been the great signifier throughout history. It is discriminate to none; its wrath does not exclude any race, gender, or sexuality; spiders may eat and prey on the weak, but every now and then, a spider will come along and get squashed by the boot of Death.

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