Kirikou And The Sourceress Analysis

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Fairy tales are truly universal, they can be found all over the world in every language. The popularity for fairy tales is based on how breneficial each quality such as quest, relatable protagonist, fantasy, and a happy ending is to children. The first reason I support fairy tales for children is the relatable protagonist in each story. In the movie Kirikou and The Sourceress about a young boy trying to save his village from the evil Sourceress, Kirikou is very small. Throughout the movie his physical stature seems to always be of concern to others and often made fun of. When Kirikou visits his grandpa he says "Grandpa im so small and would like to be big" while his granpa replies " Today because you are tiny you have been able to enter places where no one else could, be grateful, and when you are grown never forget to be happy you are grown". This send such a strong message to children, to embrase their differences. With th amount of media/ advertisemetns regarding self image, children can igore them and learn that their differrences are what maker them unique. Evey child struggle with accepting who they are and with stories such as Kirikou and The Sourceress kids can identify withthe protagonist and learn how to deal with these problem. With …show more content…

In the story Hansl and Gretl two children are abandoned by their parents int he forest due to poverty. As they wonder through the forest they encounter a which who then tried to fatten up Hansl and eat him. After escaping and stealing the witches jewls Grimm states: " Hansel then gave his father the bah full of gold coins and precious stones he'd carried all the way back with him. "Look father", he said, "Look what we found, we'll never have ti be oor again!" And so it haopened. The woodcutter was able to build a nice big house for his family, and they now were rich enough to buy all the food they needed for the rest of their

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