King Midas Case Study

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Come December, the nip in the air becomes almost palpable and the season of celebration starts in full glory. The long vacation during Christmas and New Year is a time for us to be with friends and family, to appreciate our lives and show gratitude, kindness and generosity to others. As we gorge on the lavish feasts, we find this time an excuse to hoard on gifts for our children. Although we buy gifts in their best interest, having too many toys is counter-productive for children. According to a study conducted by the University of Missouri, children who had too many toys grew into adults with compulsive behaviours like excessive shopping, debt and gambling. Such children also tend to equate love with the number of gifts they receive. A positive …show more content…

Appreciating small things in life Even when we are rolling with our packed schedules and buzzing days, it is the little things that make it all worthy. The morning mist, a bird song, a colourful flower or a child's hug instantly brightens our day. The below Greek fable is the story of King Midas who learns this lesson a hard way. The Golden Touch King Midas is the richest man in all of Greece. He has more gold than anyone in the world. Of all things, he loves his gold the most. He has a daughter named Daphne who has an entirely different view on the world. She loves walking barefoot in her garden and smells the blooming roses. Daphne plays with the birds and bunnies in the woods around her palace. She feels content staring at the tranquil moon at night. When Daphne calls her father for a walk in the garden, King Midas ignores and looks for new jewellery to adorn Daphne. One day, an angel shows up at King Midas' palace. King Midas has helped an old man in the past. The fairy offers a wish as a token of gratitude for his kindness. The king is elated and wishes that his touch will turn anything into gold. The bemused angel asks him to consider his wish carefully. On Midas's insistence, the angel grants him the …show more content…

Van Amsterdam's Saint Nicholas cookies are the rave of the town. As an honest man, he exactly gives his customers what they pay for. On a busy day, when Van Amsterdam is baking his famous cookies, an old day comes and asks for a dozen cookies. He meticulously counts the cookies and places them in a pack. The old day reprimands him for not giving a dozen cookies. Boasting of his high work ethic, he tells her that there are twelve cookies. She insists that a dozen is thirteen in her book. Van Amsterdam adamantly refuses to add another cookie. She warns him that he has a small heart and leaves. Soon, things start to go south in the bakery. No matter how hard he tries, the bread falls flat and the cookies get burnt. He starts to lose his customers. In about a year, he becomes poor. He prays to Saint Nicholas to save his bakery. That night, he has a dream. He is in a market as a young child. He sees Saint Nicholas with his bag full of presents. Saint Nicholas is distributing gifts to the children in the market. Van Amsterdam finds that Saint Nicholas's bag is always full regardless of taking gifts from

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