King Claudius Greed Quotes

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Everybody always wants something in life. They always want what somebody has. They are never satisfied till they have it and then that’s when the biggest question approaches what you are going to do to get what you want? Greed can cause people to do the most immortal things. It takes you to an ultimate high like even killing someone such as a family member just to get what they have. In the play Hamlet, Claudius power of greed rises. His intentions lead him to do something very murderous but soon regret it and makes readers sympathize when he ask for forgiveness. Claudius greedy intentions take him to his murderous action. Claudius says, “The whole kingdom/to be contracted in one brow of woe”. (Shakespeare1.2.3-4) Claudius killing old king Hamlet knows that was the only way to have the kingdom. He gives the kingdom a new start under his new government and things that favors him but he still has those devious ways. He also gives the people a speech to represents how good of a ruler his is going to be and he even acknowledges his brother’s death. He gets to maintain the country affairs in his own way. The …show more content…

Claudius uses Laertes to do his dirty work. Claudius is basically working behind the scene of this murder. He wants Hamlet dead because he feels Hamlet coming on to him. Claudius says, “Oh for two special reasons.”(Shakespeare4.7.9-24) Claudius wants Laertes to kill Hamlet. He knows that he really can’t punish Hamlet or put him away because of Gertrude and his royal standards. He didn’t want to hurt Gertrude any type of way because he loves her unconditionally. He also couldn’t punish him because Hamlet is in a public court and all the people love him and that would look bad for Claudius because everything would fall on him and the people will hate him for it. Claudius is a snake in the grass and waiting for his prey to come along so he can

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