Killing Is Wrong

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The death of a father is devastating and can cause great harm to a person emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. Especially, when a father has been murdered. Hamlet went through a great deal of emotional turmoil when he found out the truth of his father’s death. His heart was filled with grief, anger, vengeance. However, he did not just cause the death of the person that had killed his father but, lost his own life in the process. Therefore, you ask yourself, what do you advise a friend whose father has been murdered to acquire a position of power? Especially, when you and your friend know the identity of the murderer with absolute certainty, but know, too, that the murderer will never be prosecuted. Furthermore, your friend has developed …show more content…

However, taking someone’s life is never justifiable. What good can come from committing the same act of harm that was done against you? There is no justifiable reason for murder. No one has the right to take someone else’s life. I can love a friend with all my heart and hurt with them when they are hurting. However, I would never advise someone to kill. Killing is simply wrong, not just because of morality or because society tells you. Committing murder can never be justifiable. As human beings we were created to love, to create, to be kind. We are capable to feel guilt when we commit something wrong. Humans have compassion wired inside. We are able to feel empathic pain that causes the person inflicting pain to feel a degree of suffering that is as intense as the one that is experiencing it. No matter how angry or hurt a person feels, humans were not created to kill. We are able to do it because we are emotional beings. However, emotions can be tame. A person is completely capable of this, I am an example of it. My father was a proud, self-centered, egocentric man. He mentally, physically, and psychologically abused my mother, siblings, and I. There was a time in my life where I strongly disliked him. However, I could never hate him. I never allowed myself to nurture the feeling of hate. If you nurture hate you will only bring destruction to your life and no one is worth that much. We are capable …show more content…

People tend to believe that if someone does something wrong, that person should be punished by having the same thing done to them. Imagine that everyone lived by this saying literally. How blind would the world be? This world would not be inhabitable. We would live in constant chaos. There should not be a place for hatred in your heart. You are not able to control someone else’s actions but, you are more than capable of controlling yours. Bearing a grudge or seeking revenge will never be an appropriate response to a perceived wrong. A grudge can only destroy the grudge holder and fill their heart with bitterness and even more pain. Revenge can only escalate the hostility and bring destruction to the ones involved. As absurd that this may sound to someone going through a situation like the murder of a father, the best thing to do is to let go of the hurt and forgive. We tend to believe that forgiveness is to release someone from what they have done to us. However, forgiveness is not for the person who has hurt us. Forgiveness is for our own inner peace. Forgiveness releases our soul from the pain that holding a grudge causes to our hearts. Therefore, when we forgive we are not releasing others but our own

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