Keyboard Essay

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Keyboards are a number of keys fixed together in some order, used to enter information into a computer or to produce characters on a typewriter. The first typing device was designed in the 1700s but they did not come out until the 1870’s. The type writer had changed in design many times over the years but, in 1910 most of typewrites were the same. They didn’t change much until 1961 when the IMB Selectric came out. This typewriter eliminated the typebars and used a typeball. To print the letters on the page the typeballs would lean and tilt, instead of striking the page like the normal typebars.
The first computer and keyboard were produced before the Selectric came out, but typewriters were widely used through the 1950’s to the 1070’s. The first computer was made in 1946, computers started to become popular to use after the 1970s. The name of the first computer is ENICA. The key board used punch cars to insert the data into the computer. The cards had a series of hole that would be punched when you hit a certain key. The MULTICS computer was built by Bell Labs and M.I.T. in 1964. This is the first computer where the information is shown on the screen as you type it. By the 1970s when computers started to be used more often all computers used electronic keyboards.
Keyboard sold in the 1970s were built from scratch. Computers started to become equipped with keyboards in 1984. People now didn’t have to supply their own keyboard or convert their typewriter to work with the computer. This is why the Model M keyboard was a great success. The model M keyboard is the key board that created the design for todays. It gave the creators feedback on what needed to be bigger like the “shift” key and the “enter” key. Hearing all the feedbac...

... middle of paper ... employed so many people. Just imagine what life would be today without a key board. It’s amazing how someone’s invention can help out the whole world forever. How much do you use a keyboard in your everyday life? For your phones, your computers, to learn, to research, the books you read have been all typed, and so much more. This is all a result of over a century ago, this basic design of a mechanical typewriter.
Keyboards have advanced far from the typewriter though. Now we have keyboards o our phones so we can search stuff, or send a quick text, to contact anyone at any time. The first keyboard phone was a Motorola Clutch i4565 but, it was the blackberry that made the keyboard phone popular. Almost every phone today has a keyboard. The keyboards on phones are much smaller and are made to type on with your thumbs. Some are even touchscreen with no keys at all.

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