Kenny Stereotypes

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Kenny, a 2006 mockumentary directed by Clayton Jacobson is a film about a Melbourne civilian showing his life as a worker of a portable toilet rental company, Splashdown. Throughout the film, Kenny Smyth (acted by Shane Jacobson) shows how he lives his life, the struggles he often lives with such as his father going to hospital, or when his kid gets dropped off to him unexpectedly. The movie is about how Kenny will do anything for his job and he is showing the world how important his job and his life is. The stereotypes within this film are often found in Kenny’s family rather than out in public, this is because Kenny’s “family” is more scripted than out in the public. Australians in this film are represented as people who have bad jobs but jobs that they love. This is shown as Kenny is a worker in a small business but loves everything that he does, he went to the toilet convention in America to buy and sell the portable toilets that he loves. Australians are also stereotypically know as people who have never ending compassion to things they like such as Jackie, the woman who was the flight attendant on the plane he was on to the convention. Throughout the film you can see the Australians that are represented aren’t often wearing nice clothes (such as tuxedos, or formal wear) this is a stereotype as they are …show more content…

Most of the shots where it was talking about Kenny’s personal life it was with a handheld camera to make the audience feel much closer to him. Some shots were filmed further away from him, this was done to show scenes that he didn’t want people to see but the camera crew decided to put in the film anyway, these scenes were meant to be the heart-warming scenes as it was “the real Kenny”, the Kenny without a script. Some other shots gave a close-up on Kenny’s face to show the emotion he had such as when he was ordering portable toilets for the interview with the Japanese

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