Kayla's Termination Case Study

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This counselor met with Kayla and her mom, Monica on 6/8/18, to discuss her termination from the childcare center and to talk about how to proceed with her case. To start this counselor asked Kayla for her side of the story. According to Kayla she felt everything was going "great." Monica seemed to disagree. Monica informed this counselor that Kayla had a major issue with switching rooms and had a attitude, which she believes affected her performance. Once in the other room she also refused to clean (toilets specifically). Monica stated that there was one worker at the day care center who was a "trouble maker" and her and Kayla became friends. Monica stated that Kayla is a follower and she seemed to bond with this co-worker, which affected …show more content…

The areas that were reviewed include: avoiding conflict (crying babies), not engaging with babies, becoming easily overwhelmed/frustrated, not following charts, needing a lot of redirection, and being rough with a child. Kayla was very upset by this list and stated, " I may have been overwhelmed at times because the center was really busy, but I never was rough with a child. I also always followed the charts and gave each child attention." Kayla did admit that she didn't interact with the older children as she prefers to work with infants. Although Kayla was upset by the termination and doesn't fully understand why she was let go, she agrees that the setting was not an appropriate fit for her. Monica …show more content…

This counselor believes that this may be a more realistic goal for Kayla, however, as she doesn't have experience in either of these areas, this counselor spoke with her about participating in a community based assessment. Kayla and her mom agreed that this would be a great way for her to explore this type of setting and to determine if this is more of an appropriate goal for her. It was decided that she would participate in a 3 week CBA with the ARC. Kayla is also interested in mobility training, but it was discussed that this would take place once she secures employment. Transportation will be provided by the ARC during the

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