Kayla Montgomery Assignment

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Final Research Assignment Kayla Montgomery Kayla Montgomery is an 18 year old girl from North Carolina. When she was little she often liked to be active as she played soccer. However, at age 14, her life took a turn for the worst. At the age of 14, Montgomery started to notice that she was having a tingling feeling in her toes and that she was starting to lose feeling in her legs. Sadly, Kayla was diagnosed at 14 with Multiple Sclerosis. A once so physically active young girl was now faced with not being able to walk in the future. Although Kayla Montgomery was diagnosed with MS, that didn’t stop her from doing physical activity. Her freshman year of high school she decided to join the track team. When she started, she was the slowest girl …show more content…

Leading up to her senior year of high school Kayla faced one of the most important races of her life. It was the last one and the state finals. There is something special about Kayla. Any given person would be happy to even cross the finish line at a race, but Kayla has more important things to worry about as she crosses the finish line. As she is running her 3200 meter relay, her legs get familiar with the motion and at the end of the race, she is unable to control the movement of her legs and collapses to the ground. As she collapses into her coaches arms she pleads for help and for water and ice to cool her body back down to normal temperature. Kayla has stated, “It starts to feel like there is nothing underneath my upper body”, as she …show more content…

Paolo Zamboni is an Italian doctor, who could possibly have a simple cure for Multiple Sclerosis. Although this article was posted in 2009, I still find it relevant to my topic. Dr. Zamboni took interest in Multiple Sclerosis when his wife was diagnosed with the terrible disease. Dr. Zamboni did an experiment on a starter group of 65 patients. In the experiment he did a small operation that unblocked restricted blood flow to the brain. After two years, seventy-three percent of the patients had no symptoms of MS. Later on, he did an ultra sound and showed that more than ninety percent of people with MS have some kind of blockage in the veins that drain the blood from your brain. Zamboni came up with an experiment that linked the blockage with MS. He believed a buildup of iron in the brain could cause MS. Dr. Zamboni named this problem Chronic Cerebro- Spinal Venous Insuffiency, CCSVI. Right away he scheduled the operation for his wife. A catheter was sent all the way up to the problem area and a balloon is opened and clears the blockage. Three years after the operation, his wife has not had any attacks of MS. Although his operation has not been accepted by the medical community, it could eventually be accepted and cure Multiple

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