Katniss' Traits

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Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist and narrator in The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins. These are some of her primary traits and how they are represented throughout the first novel of this trilogy.

Katniss is a very protective individual throughout the book, especially of Primrose, Rue and Peeta. She will do anything for those she loves and thinks about how her actions will affect her family and friends.
Volunteering as tribute shows how protective she is of Prim, sacrificing her own life for her sister’s protection. Katniss is very protective of 12 year old Rue from District 11 because she reminded her of Prim. Katniss formed an alliance with her and it shows in the last few moments of Rue’s life, how protective Katniss was of her. When Katniss heard Rue’s high pitched scream, she started running towards the sound, knowing it could be a trap.
After Claudius Templesmith announces if the last two tributes left are from the same district, they can both claim victory. Katniss automatically forms an alliance with him in her mind. When she finds Peeta she looks after him and keeps him safe. Later, Claudius announces there is a feast at the Cornucopia, instead of watching Peeta die of blood poisoning, Katniss risks her life for Peeta to get the medicine he requires for his leg to heal.

Courageous /Persevering
Katniss Everdeen is a very courageous character and it’s shown from the beginning of the book, when she volunteers to take her sister’s place as tribute. Not being afraid to do what she needs to is what makes Katniss courageous. She has a very determined mind set and won’t give up without trying – even when she’s injured. Going into The Hunger Games Katniss thought she had a very small chance of winning and in...

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...e she doesn’t like to be told what she can and can’t do. She breaks rules, including the Capitol’s, in order survive at home, by illegally hunting in the woods to provide for her family, and in the Hunger Games, breaking the rule allowing only one winner.
Her stubbornness shows in moments like refusing to let Prim take tessera, even when their family didn’t have enough food and not trusting Peeta at first because she thought he was only being nice to her to get inside of her.
Another event that proves that Katniss is headstrong occurs before the interview with Caesar Flickerman, Haymitch has a pep-talk with Katniss and suggests she seem more likeable and humble. He also tells her to talk more about her family and the things she cares about but she refuses to agree with the strategy because she doesn’t want the Capitol to know too much about her life in District 12.

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