Karma Yoga Essay

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Karma yoga is a spiritual course involving action. Action is inevitable. None can remain without activity. As long as we have desires we are bound to act. We are free only to choose the type of action- negative or positive. Negative actions are those that increase our desires. They cause our spiritual devolution. Positive actions reduce our desires. Promote our evolution.

All selfish, self-centered activities are negative. Such activities lack a higher goal, a common cause and a nobler idea in them. Again, even we choose an activity with high ideal; our actions may still be negative if they emanate from our personal likes and dislikes. Any action, which is propelled by our desires, our like or dislike, gathers desires. We ought not to indulge in a particular action just because we like to do it.

Similarly we ought not to abstain from action just because we dislike it. Our intellectual discrimination should steer our activities, not our whims and fancies. Remember our likes and dislikes are our greatest enemies within us. We do not realize it at all. Instead we feed our likes and dislikes. We nurture and nourish them. We pamper them. But they in turn only cause our sorrow and destruction. The practical way to go about it is to be cautious particularly when we like or dislike something. Analyze our attractions and repulsions. Pause. Think. We need not reject something just because we happen to like it. We need to force our self to accept something we dislike. We have only to look at them objectively. Not to be carried away either by like or dislike. Employ our discriminating intellect, judge and decide the proper course of action irrespective of our love or hatred for it. By following this procedure we do not perpetrate negative a...

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...ent action. The third cause is our excitement over the present activity itself. Do not work our self into fit over our duties and tasks. Do not develop a passion of doing. Thus cleverly clipping away the past and the future just plunge into our present activity without the least excitement about it. We are bound to succeed in any Endeavor in life be it material or spiritual.

The perfect action therefore means:

Vigorous action with selfless dedication to a higher altar and identification with our inner Self.

Insulating our action from worries of the past, anxieties for the future and excitements of the present.

Every man has his own field of activity to work on. So have we. We must try and fulfill our obligations as best we can. Just do what we ought to do in life. Follow the pattern of right activity. Be consistent in our application to work. That is Karma Yoga.

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