Karen Carpenter Research Paper

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Karen Carpenter had anorexia and bulimia, which are both deadly disorders. In our young world we have to match a type of image. Teens are pushed to anorexia or bulimia or even both because they want to look the same as someone (Silverthorne 15). Eventually, this disorder they adopted can kill them. These disabilities have almost the same mental and physical symptoms, but they differ in some ways. Anorexia symptoms take a huge toll on the human body mentally and physically (URMC). Mental symptoms have to do with what he or she thinks and how they deal with these thoughts. Physical symptoms are how the body is affected and what the disability does to him or her. One physical symptom of anorexia is loss of hair, due to lack of nutrients. Also, he or she is always cold, or they can get blue hands and feet from how cold they can be (Murn). If a girl has anorexia, she may have an irregular menstruation (Walden 16). Anorexia has a huge impact on your mental health,people become weak and tired all the time. They sometimes become antisocial,or make all their friends not want to be around them anymore. In some way bulimia is the same as anorexia, they both have mental and …show more content…

She got these because of natural causes. She had a divorce that almost ended her music career. She even was criticized by the public and her friends. This affected lots of her everyday activities. She had a hard time staying awake and even going to sleep. When she was seventeen she began the stillman diet (New World Enc.). The stillman diet is a diet that you keep count on how many calories he or she has ate that day. When she lost a few pounds, she was happy, but then she wanted to keep losing more weight. As time went by, her nervous and digestive system weakened. She lost so much energy that at one of her concerts she passed out and was hospitalized. After that she wanted to come out with her anorexia problem, but never did (New World

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