Kanye West Use Of Figurative Language In Heartless

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The song “Heartless” by Kanye West, reveals heartbreak and negativity and how we cope with loss. In this song West had ended his relationship with his ex girlfriend Alexis, who allegedly cheated on him. He demonstrates this negative attitude using tones that are hurtful and bitter. We can prove the negative attitude by using the elements of style repetition, figurative language, such as similes and metaphors. Heartless is about a troubled relationship. West is reflecting on the toxic relationship he was once stuck in. The two can’t stay out of each other’s lives and continue to argue and the relationship becomes toxic. Her and his friends become involved and influence their decisions whether to stay or leave. In the end, he decides to leave and says she’ll never find …show more content…

Repetition shows the severity of a subject and how the writer feels towards it. In the song, “Heartless” by Kanye West, repetition is a common trait. Words such as “talking, “heartless”, and ”they” are repeated multiple times in this song to show the tones, hurtful, and bitter. In the chorus West repeats “heartless” a number of times in order to show tones. In the quote, “How could you be so heartless” he implies that his significant other is showing little emotion toward him and is neglecting their relationship. Her heartless behavior is pushing him away when he just wants to stay. West is being bitter toward his significant other and the way she’s acting. She isn’t the person that West first met and it is driving him insane. Reminiscing on the good times is what got him through the day, but the good times have ended. Talking is used to represent Kanye’s significant other speaking about their relationship to her friends and saying things behind his back. “They don’t know what we been through”. West is showing that her friends and outside forces are messing with her own decision

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