Kaffir Boy Analysis

462 Words1 Page

Jordan Talbert
English 12B

Mark Mathabane Stated “Let us not rest until we are free to live in dignity in the land of our birth.” He is basically stating that everybody should be treated equally and, not depending on what their race or religious background is. Human rights should never be violated and everyone should be given a chance in their pursuit of happiness. In the world today people have to work hard if they want to be successful especially if you have to support loved ones. People deal with all types of struggles to help support their loved ones and themselves. No one should be denied their rights like, to get an education, freedom to a home, and finally the right to live. Mark Mathabane uses Setting, Conflict and Point of view throughout his book, Kaffir Boy, to explain how black South Africans life and how it was a struggle to keep their families alive, Also showing the …show more content…

The conflict in this story has given me a realization of how good i really have it . Also how grateful i am to have what i need and whenever i need it. Though Mark's father was not the best, due to the fact he was constantly in and out of prison, so it was hard for him to be there for his family. So Mark had to do something to provide for his family because his father was always in trouble with the law. Mark speaks of his father and how he wants him to repay him for bringing him into this world. In the text it says “My father insisted that I repay him for bringing me into this world by taking up the job and providing for him.”(Mathabane,295). Mark felt so broken even though his father is alive it still never felt as if he was there for him especially the family. Especially in the time like that where apartheid is a serious problem at the time and its times where the family has to be strong but that's not the case with Mark's family and he needs to do anything he can to keep his family

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