Juvenile Gun Violence

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In this day and age the media is always covering breaking stories about juveniles and violence. It seems that every other day there is a headline about shootings or stabbings. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when analyzing juvenile violence and more specifically juveniles and gun violence. Gun violence is the intentional use of a weapon against a person, group or community that can possibly result in injury, death or psychological harm. There are many factors that need to be analyzed in order to come to a decision about the proper course of action to reduce gun violence amongst juveniles. The things that need to be taken into consideration are gun laws, different uses of a firearm, how youths attain firearms, causes of gun violence and most importantly, the options to combat juvenile gun violence.
In the United States there are two levels of regulations pertaining to guns and the laws that dictate who is eligible to own firearms and the use of firearms. The first level that we will discuss is the federal level. The second level will be the state level. There is a considerable variance between the laws in the federal and local governments. The reason for this is that the local governments need to make sure that they have laws that reflect their communities needs.
The federal government has very few laws about long guns also known as rifles and shotguns. Under federal law age is not a factor when deciding who is allowed to possess a long gun. Possession of a firearm can be legal or illegal. Legal possession of a firearm is when someone has direct or indirect control of a firearm. Illegal possession of a firearm is when a person either has control of weapon thru illegal means or has control of an ille...

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...orted having weapons that are improperly stored. When you put the two together it is easy to see that most juveniles take their parents firearms. They are readily accessible and there is no need to pay for them. This makes it easy for youths to commit violent crimes with firearms but it also makes it very easy for youths to commit suicide. A teen is most likely to commit suicide at home and this could be partially the reason for this.
Youths are also able to get weapons from secondary markets, which account for 30-40% of all the guns in circulation. These markets tend to be safe for transaction but they can also be very dangerous. It is generally safer to buy a weapon from a friend, family member, legal gun owner or gun shows. It becomes very dangerous for youths to buy guns from drug dealer/ addicts, street gun dealers or from a person who illegally owns a gun.

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