Junior Geraldine Relationship

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(C) Where does self-worth come from and who tell us we matter. The love of Junior’s mom has impacted him. Even though Junior’s mom takes care of him and makes sure he has everything he needs. Junior does not have the love of his mother that he wants to have which affected his behavior in the long run. He found out his mother love their cat more then she loves her own son. Due to that experience he ends up taking all his anger out on the cat as well as bullying others to make himself feel better . (BG) Geraldine is the mother of a young boy named Junior. She is not the average mom, in this case from a love standpoint. She makes sure her son has what he needs at the end of the day. But it seems like she cares more about the family cat then she …show more content…

As he grew older, he learned how to direct his hatred of his mother to the cat, and spent happy moments watching it suffer”. (Pg 86) Junior starts to realize that his mother care more about the cat instead of him. So he starts to release all his built up hurt and pain and let’s all that out on the cat. The third quote has to deal with Junior getting older and he started to enjoy bullying girls. It was making them scream and run. There was one girl in particular that he loved to bully and that was Pecola. Junior treated Pecola bad but that was his way of having “FUN” . “No!” He pushed her down, ran out the door that separated the rooms, and held it shut with his hands. Pecola’s banging on the door increased his gasping, high-pitched laughter. Junior traps Pecola in a room and he thinks it fun ,but she is scared and she is trying to escape. (WP-U) Self- worth can affect you bad. To the point that you retaliate back. Junior did not have the love from his mother that he was wishing for so he felt like no one else could have the love they wanted, because he suffered the people he mistreated had to suffer as

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