Jung Briggs Meyers Personality Test: The Intuitive Thinking, Interesting (NT)

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The Intuitive Think-vert
My theoretical preference profile as confirmed by the Jung Briggs Meyers Personality Test is an Introvert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging (INTJ) individual. The results indicated percentages of 16%, 19%, 34%, and 62%, respectively.
In relation to a business milieu, my personality trait of self-confidence and decisiveness might be erroneously mistaken as arrogance by those who are indecisive. Consequently, to foster a team atmosphere in business surroundings, I must temper when and how I vocalize my input regarding proposed projects or executions of shared assignments. For academic environments, my personality trait might be challenging for an ESFP to successfully share a project unless they equally choose to temper …show more content…

Even so, communication with people of the sensory/thinking (ST) personality types would require my adhering to realities and effects. In like manner, communication with those of intuitive/feeling (NF) personality traits, would necessitate me to direct intercommunication on relevant theories, ideas, or concepts. Fortunately, the intuitive aspects of NTs and NFs along with the thinking features of the NTs and STs provide for mutually effective business or academia intercommunication. Therefore, whether for teamwork projects in business or collaborating assignments in academia, I would deftly work well with these two personality …show more content…

Combine this research to identify the person's preference group and personality type. (Also, I would never reveal to the subject person nor inform a third party person that I “analyzed” them with the Jung test, because the one “analyzed” may be offended and the third party person may be indiscreet.)
5. Access Jung-Meyers website (http://www.humanmetrics.com/) to review the person's personality type to improve communication and enhance work relationship.

1. 16 Personalities. (2011-2017).ESFP Personality, NERIS Analytics Limited, Retrieved from https://www.16personalities.com/esfp-personality
2. Jung, C.G. & Briggs-Meyers, I. (1998-2017). Jung Typology Test, Humanmetrics Incorporated, Retrieved from http://www.humanmetrics.com/
3. My Personality Info. (2007-2017). ESFP – The Entertainer, About the ESFP, Personality Types, Retrieved from https://mypersonality.info/personality-types/esfp/
4. Personality Max. (2017). ESFP Personality Type – The Entertainer, Retrieved from https://www.personalitymax.com/personality-types/esfp-entertainer
5. Truity Inc. (2017). ESFP – The Performer – Overview, Retrieved from

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