Journalism In The Progressive Era

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Throughout history journalism has been very influential in shaping public opinion. On the contrary public opinion has also had a major effect on the tone in which journalists take when they are reporting on certain issues. The writers showed In order to get a better understanding of the public opinion the journalist writing styles I divided the fire up into three periods; two years leading up to the fire, the first few days following the fire, and post-fire reaction. Taking a closer look at the media in the Progressive Era, the journalists’ attitude and tone changed as the audiences emotions changed. Before the Triangle factory fire in 1911, journalists had a pro-strikers view, but the audience was indifferent until after the fire. As a result, the media began reporting with more passion and graphic detail to follow along with public opinion. A few years before the …show more content…

The public didn’t view this decision favorably because most of the factory workers at the time are immigrant workers. The United States was still a racist society that favored the white “natives” over all other people. One would expect the newspapers to follow this opinion by opposing what is happening. However, this is not entirely true. In reading the newspaper coverage during this strike there is a subtle hint of bias towards the workers. In a New York Times article that was titled Arrest Strikers for Being Assaulted that talked about one of the women arrested during the strike. The article is clearly on the side of the women but it doesn’t have the passionate language that is found in the articles that are

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