Journal Synthesis Essay

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The Grassroots Writing Research Journal is not a Journal that comes across one’s desk often. However, any recent Illinois State University Undergraduate could probably tell you they were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this student-submitted text. Even Non-English Majors, whom are still required to take certain classes within the field, find the use of the Grassroots Journal at some point during their college career. On the other side of the coin, English Major or not, your chances of coming across the Journal of Interactive Advertising might be a little slim. Although these are each examples of academic journals, they can both be broken down and differentiated.
To start, why were these Journals chosen? I am an Integrated Marketing Communications …show more content…

If we do find something to derive, how can we apply this knowledge to the real world? You can find this what you are looking for easily by heading towards the end of each document. In the Journal of Integrative Advertising, information is clearly laid out and evaluated by the authors. In the article I chose, the focus was on how media could affect attitudes and offline behavior. According to the Journal, persuasive and organic messages that were posted online turned out to be the best way to affect attitudes towards media. When advertisers used a strictly persuasive tactic their likes, shares, favorites, or comments went up. This increases the overall likelihood of something going viral, which would allow the post to develop an online life of its own. As described, the Article does show some sort significance. With that being said, Marketers can now take away a strategic lesson to implement in the online-workplace. Not only do businesses benefit from this information, but also we as consumers benefit. If you can uncover the clever marketing tactics as a consumer, it makes you a more informed buyer. This ending differs from that of the Grassroots Writing Research Journal, mostly because the Grassroots is not trying to sell you

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