Joseph Cony and The Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda

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The only thing that is worse than the bully is the bystander that watches silently as the innocent is victimized. It is even more crucial to get involved when the bully is on a national scale and affecting countless individuals. Kony brutally terrorizes victims that are unable to defend themselves without foreign aid. The United States should take more action against Kony because of his strong influence and beliefs in the LRA, the actions he has committed against humanity, and the way he has left survivors scarred. Joseph Kony, born in Odek, Uganda in 1961, is a Ugandan rebel who leads the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a militia that terrorizes northern Uganda and neighboring countries since the late 20th and early 21st century. The LRA is a guerrilla army, which is defined as “a group of combats such as armed civilians using military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, and raids to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military” (Anthony G. Craine). For the majority of his youth, Kony served as an altar boy because his parents were very involved in the Catholic Church. Kony left school to become a traditional healer at the age of 15. After being greatly affected by the Holy Spirit Movement, Joseph Kony started growing deeper into his faith and proclaimed himself as the prophet for the Acholi people. At the age of 26, he started the Lord’s Resistance Army and ever since then, Uganda, South Sudan, Central African Republic (CAR), and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been terrorized. Joseph Kony is the evil mastermind behind the Lord’s Resistance Army. He is committed to establish a theocratic government in Uganda, which is claimed to be based on the Ten Commandments. The LRA has abducted and forced an estimated 66,000... ... middle of paper ... a Displaced People’s Camp. Richard would of not been able to escape without the service from an outside source. With the help he received, he started an organization that provides a voice for the voiceless because this boy did not want others to end up the way that he did. With the help of the US, thousands of other children will be able to escape from the atrocities and return to civilization. Joseph Kony’s desire and opportunity to do more evil is the reason that the US must intervene. With the help of foreign assistance, the vulnerable children will no longer be threatened by Kony’s army. Joseph Kony and the LRA must be terminated since he is endangering the lives of many children and adults alike; the horrendous actions that Joseph Kony and his cult commit are inhumane. It is vital that the bystander stands up and speaks out in order to terminate the bully.

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