Joseph Campbell Hero's Journey

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What is your definition of a hero? When the word hero comes up people often think of superheros or even everyday heroes such as firefighters, police officers and so on. Honestly, believe it or not anyone can be a hero, even yourself. The late mythologist Joseph Campbell has developed a concept which he called Hero’s Journey. In his theory he believes we are all heros, you don't have to be fighting off bad guys or running into burning buildings saving people, simply we are all heros. In fact this makes me a hero myself. In this essay I will be comparing two significant events in my life to Campbell’s theory of the Hero’s Journey.
Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) wrote a book called The Hero with a Thousand Faces based on his concept the Hero’s …show more content…

This “adventure” can be forced on to us or even our inner need for adventure. Each hero begins his journey with the call to action. This is the reason that he decides to leave the safety of his the safety of his home to search the globe for an object or cause which is valuable to him. For example, traveling the world not because you want to but because you want a change in your life. Or if this “adventure” is forced upon you an example would be your parents get a divorce or one of them unexpectedly passes away, you are forced to deal and go through that adventure. In my first adventure that I will be talking about is my adventure deciding to go to college. Furthering my education was my main motive after graduating high school but it's not so easy when you have a mother in the hospital and your father passed away 12 years. The last month of school my mother went into the hospital and went into a coma. School became harder and everything started to fall on me, like my life was crumbling right in front of my face. I was forced upon this adventure so my only choice was to deal with it. In this adventure I came across some obstacles which made my adventure harder. “But with the adventure comes obstacles” according to Julie Harris.(5)For example, when graduation came around the only person I wanted to be there could not. My mother was still in the coma during my graduation. I sat on staged and cried my eyes out wishing my mother was there. How can I want to college and leave my mom like this? At the very moment I wanted to stop myself and not go to college. There was no way I could leave my mother and be able to concentrate on my college education. Therefore I came in contact with a guide just like in Joseph Campbell listed in his “Hero’s Journey”.In “Hero’s Journey” he states “Meeting with the Mentor: hero is introduced to a person who prepares him to face future challenges”.(5) My guide was my step

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