Johnnie Roberts's Article 'Luxury Shame'

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The article “Luxury Shame,” written by Johnnie Roberts describes how and why the rich are scaling back on their extravagant expenditures. Initially, I was annoyed and shocked at how the very rich were assimilating their unfamiliar experiences of “recessionary times,” with those that experienced the emotions of poverty. Roberts explains the ostentatious life of multimillionaire Michael Hirtenstein, who would routinely and openly show off his profitable real estate collection. After the economy took a turbulent downfall, Hirstenstein and other wealthy Americans began to feel the shame or embarrassment of flaunting their wealth. Despite the “halt” to the economy, Hirstenstein became frugal with his money, even though he could have easily bought whatever he wanted. …show more content…

Even luxury advertisers felt the burn after benefiting from so many years of growth. Conservatively, the times of reckless extravagance was over for many wealthy Americans, including Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld and Steve Schwarzman of the private equity firm Blackstone Group. Unlike Hirstenstein, Jones described how Fuld and Schwarzman could only summon the look of pure embarrassment, when confronted by politicians and the press. Jones relates that the “Death of Luxury” not only affected wealthy Americans and advertisers, but also entangled Hollywood and Washington, D.C. with debt remorse. Julian Niccoli, managing partner of New York's Four Seasons restaurant declared that “It's very difficult to go downward... once Blades

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