John Wilkes Booth's Assassination

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John Wilkes Booth was a prominent Shakespearean actor with militant Confederate sympathies and an abhorrence for President Lincoln. Booth believed that the south’s institution of slavery was sacred and this country “was formed for the white man and not the black,” therefore anyone who challenged this belief was a tyrant that needed to be exterminated. In Booth’s hometown of Baltimore he would find a great deal of bitter opponents to share his views and it would be here where groundwork of assassination threats would take their preliminary form. Late autumn of 1864 Lincoln would be reelected and Booth’s anti-Lincoln obsession and hatred would increase. Motivated by guilt, rage and malignant narcissism, Booth would resolve to put a plan into …show more content…

Powell; all who had served the confederacy to some level and have remained adherent to the rebel cause. Booth also forewarned Confederate Sympathizers in lower Maryland as a back plan if conspirators needed to transport Lincoln into Virginia. Conspirators would then begin analyzing maps of the White House, considering hidden passages and dwellings as well as surveillance of the President’s day to day activities. Mid-March, Booth and his conspirators were ready to act on their abduction plan however Lincoln would fail to emerge where they assumed he would be and the plan foiled. Following, O’Laughlin, Arnold, and Surratt would turn away from Booth and the kidnapping plot would descent all together causing Booth to drink heavily. As Lincoln continued to work to restore the Union and abolish slavery, Booth’s conduct became progressively agitated and perilous in nature. By Good Friday, after Lincoln’s reconstruction speech, Booth had constructed his final scheme to murder President Lincoln. He had directed Atzerodt and Powell, with the assistance of Herold, to kill Vice-President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State …show more content…

At eight o’clock Booth and his three accomplices would meet at the Herndon House, less than a block from Ford’s Theater, to rehearse the assassinations. At 9:30pm Booth would leave his mare in the care of Edman Spangler in the alley behind Ford’s Theater and enter the theater through the backdoor, cross under the stage and emerge into another alley on Tenth Street where he would enter a saloon for a whiskey and chaser. At 10:10 pm in the Theater’s lobby Booth would then head to the main floor to survey the states box and audience. Calculating the best moment to strike, Booth would then leave the main floor to climb the stairs, cross the dress circle and enter the narrow hallway to the states box; where he would close and bar the previously fixed door. Peering through the peephole of the state’s box Booth could see the back of President Lincoln’s head. Booth would enter the states box and fire his derringer point-blank at Lincoln’s head and slash Rathbone’s arm with a dagger then flee the scene. In Booth’s getaway efforts he would break his left shinbone and reveal to the audience

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