John White Roanoke Island Colony

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Imagine being trapped in the midsts of a war thousands of miles away from your family only having your memories and thoughts of what could happen to them during the oncoming harsh winter. Well, this is precisely what happened to John White in 1587 with the “Lost Colony of Roanoke Island.” Lets begin with the founding of this mysterious colony. It all started when England wanted to show its dominance and have the first settlement in the “New World.” In 1584 the first group came to an island region to explore and map the area for oncoming groups. Then in 1585 another group came, and in this group contained the unfortunate soul, John White. This group's task was to ensure that contact with local native American tribes and see where the best place …show more content…

Soon after settling on the island of Roanoke, John White had a granddaughter whom they named Virginia, named after the virgin queen Elizabeth. With significant time being on the island White began painting watercolors of the indigenous Indians. With various nearby peaceful Indians, they were able to get a good start on the island and have several disaster plans to choose from. However, with the harsh winter arriving rapidly to set upon the habitants of Roanoke Island White was left with a decision. He could either stay with his family and try to bare through the potentially deadly winter, or leave his family and travel back to England to gather supplies so they would have a better mortality chances. With the survival of his colony still a priority, Governor White took a ship back to England. However, he had not known that England was in current conflict with the Spanish Armada. Once White arrived in England, he was trapped. With little resources for England to offer and no possible way to make safe passage back to Roanoke Island White stayed for three immensely long years. By the time he was capable to leave and return to his family in the “New World” it was

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