John Steinbeck's Cannery Row

641 Words2 Pages

Novel Notes
Plot/Summary: My novel takes place in Monterey, California where Mack and the boys try and to set up a party for doc until things don’t go as planned. Mack, the boys, and a group of unemployed men helping them out. They try and set up the party in Docs lab which is also known as his house. Lee Chong is a grocery store owner and offers to buy Mack and the boys some beer. Mack attempts to do stuff but every time he gets him self in trouble. Eddie is a back up bartender at the local bar and brings home stolen bottles after work. Gay stays with the boys because his wife likes to beat him but he is often in jail or at the bar because of all the fights he gets into with his wife, Doc finds a couple of dead people laying on the beach and a couple of people committed suicide. After everything came together the party was a job well done and everyone had a lot of fun. Doc got his party but was very hung over so the next morning was not good for him.

• Doc is important in the story because he helps and loves everyone but he always seems to feel like he is always so lonely.
• Henri was a good friend of docs and was a artist. Henri liked to keep up on all of the newest styles from France. He was a sailor and everyone loved the boat he made. Girls always went on of off of the boat.
• Frankie was a mentally challenged boy who was adopted by doc after being abandoned by his mother. One major thing Frankie did in the book was he stole a gift form a jewelry store for doc.
• Mack and his friends were a bunch of trouble makers in the story all they do is get into trouble almost every day.

• The residents try and host a party for doc but fail to get everything ready in time but eventually pull it together
• The a...

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...o this novel
13. No I would not change the ending to this novel at all I love the way it ended
14. He was a really calm guy because the books I’ve read of this author just give me a really calm vibe.
15. This story made me want to go and read it over again and again because it was so good.
16. No I don’t feel like I shared any of the feelings with any of the characters.
17. No this novel filled me in almost 100% and it was amazing!
18. Yes I would defiantly read something else by this author because I’ve like both of the books I’ve read by him.
19. “Being at ease with himself put him at ease with the world.” Just because I feel like this is one of the most inspirational quotes from the book
20. If I had to come up with a slogan my slogan would say “Be at ease”

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