John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

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The concept of innate knowledge is the theory that humans can have knowledge without having gained that knowledge through experiencing the world with their sensory organs or through reasoning. Some theories discuss that people may not be aware of this knowledge as soon as they are born and instead, only become aware of in later on in their life after unlocking access to that knowledge (1). In the text, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke provides his case against the existence of innate knowledge; arguing that knowledge is gained through humans using their sensory organs and not from being imprinted upon the mind or soul before birth (2). Firstly, Locke theorises that man has been given his sensory organs such as eyes to experience …show more content…

He acknowledges that moral principles are spread throughout societies around the world, but even so, it can be seen that not all societies follow the same moral principles (2). As well as this, people within the same society do not follow the same moral principles or rules. Furthermore, he argues that moral principles are not innate because they require logical reasoning for the creation and understanding (2). Whereas, it would be logical to assume that reasoning would not be required when considering an idea or principle that is innate. Moreover, Locke points out that it is not unreasonable for someone to question the reasons for why as moral principle exists, therefore, if the existence of a moral principle was questioned it must not be innate, for if it were there would be no need to ask for the reasoning behind a moral principle (2). Locke’s case against innate knowledge primarily rests on the idea that innate knowledge would not be questioned by those who had that innate knowledge, as well as, the fact that innate knowledge would be universal in its acceptance. Locke discusses many principles and ideas that others consider innate, using the existence of those who do not accept or follow these principles as proof that there are no innate principles, therefore, people are born as blank slates and gain their knowledge of the world using their sensory organs and

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