John Green's Melodrama The Fault In Our Stars

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How does having similarities like cancer bring a relationship closer? In John Green’s melodrama, The Fault in Our Stars the character of Hazel and Augustus seem to have a close developing relationship from the moment they meet. Hazel and Augustus are two different types of people Hazel your typical antisocial gal Augustus your free spirit fun guy. But their relationship seems to be able to develop and grow due to how they both have same external conflict of cancer. Cancer is a struggle they both share, without it who would've known if they would have even meet on another. The support group is a place where talk about their struggles with cancer this is a symbolic place too it's where they both meet for the first time. “ Augustus Waters pushed himself out of the chair and walked over to me.” This is love at first sight this is showing us how the conflict they share brought them together. Later through the chapters we see that their friendship becomes more sentimental. “ Augustus Waters,' I said, looking up at him, thinking that you cannot kiss anyone in the Anne Frank House.” How would this change things if they haven't meet. Their love and relationship wouldn't have been able to present development or change. Hazel and Augustus deal with …show more content…

Which slowly escalating to two souls finding each other and connecting on their biggest issue. Hazel and Augustus have shown us that relationships are meant to develop. In John Green’s melodrama The Fault in Our Stars helps us see a bigger picture on different people connecting in a higher lever. This is important because how would the book be different it this weren't to occur, we can even relate this back into our own personal life to understand people better. Hazel and Augustus as a person both wouldn't be the same they both helped each other out, they were both together building a stronger bond every time thanks to their huge similarity of

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