John Green's An Abundance Of Katherines

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John Green’s novel An Abundance of Katherines won a multitude of awards for its funny, relatable, and heartwarming plot that can be enjoyed by any age group. Colin Singleton was a child prodigy who happened to date a lot of Katherines- 19 in a row. After realizing that in all nineteen of these relationships, he had been the one dumped, Colin set out to find a mathematical equation to explain his predicament. Throughout the novel, Colin’s goal is to perfect and prove his theorem, which predicts the length of a relationship, along with the “dumpee” and the “dumper,” based on complex mathematical equations. After his final breakup, Colin takes a trip with his friend Hassan and ends up far from home in Gutshot, Tennessee. What begins as just a day job, interviewing the town’s residents, turns into a summer residency in the Wells’ household, where Colin Singleton branches out in ways he never did before, all while working on his theorem. Green’s novel has a lot of lessons to teach. The story is based around love and relationships, but there is a lot more depth to the story than the science of breakups. Green includes a wide spectrum of personality in his characters. …show more content…

Just like his other novels, An Abundance of Katherines is marketed mainly towards teenagers, but can be read and enjoyed by any age group. This novel in particular is unique in that it includes mathematical equations, charts, graphs, and explanations; while the novel can be understood without these aids, the footnotes and appendix allow for a deeper understanding of the story which makes it even more complex. The complexity of this novel is also increased by the addition of tidbits of information throughout the novel, usually presented by Colin. All in all, John Green composed a story that is heartwarming, funny, informative that is fun to read and enjoyable for all age

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