John Brown: The Cause Of The Civil War

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700,000 lives lost in the matter of only four years, fighting for what is now one of the most valued things the United States has ever accomplished. The Civil War abolished slavery in the United States of America forever. The Civil War ended the life of one of America’s most venerated President, Abraham Lincoln. Three major historic events all happening in a matter of no time included John Brown’s Raid, The Fugitive Slave Act, and The Missouri Compromise, these events seemed to be the cause of the Civil War. One critical event leading up to the Civil War was The Raid of John Brown. John Brown had the need to inspire slaves to break free because he thought they didn’t deserve to be held captive. He knew that slaves wouldn’t have the courage without someone with white power helping them. Brown decided he would be the one to inspire the slaves to break away. In Harper’s Ferry, VA, there was a raid on the Federal Arsenal completed by abolitionist. The abolitionist invaded the Federal Arsenal for all of the weapons. The weapons would be used to fight the south and free slaves. …show more content…

Supporting a fugitive was punishable by at least a fine, at most they would be thrown into prison. Many people tried to help fugitives. Punishments were put in place to attempt to keep slaves from getting free and staying free. Commissions received a decent profit for returning a slave. When someone was offered money for something, they were more than likely to do it. Whether the slave was free or a run away, there is a chance that a greedy person will take them to the south looking for an owner all for some money. Citizens of the United States, along with State Marshals must facilitate the capturing of runaway slaves. If they were helped captured there was punishments. Nobody wanted to go to prison or receive a fine, when they could receive money instead of giving it. A motive of the Civil Arms was the Fugitive Slave

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