Joaquin Sorolla Research Paper

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Spanish For My Excursion paper I choose to go visit, The Hispanic Society of America hoping to get a better understanding of how Hispanic culture has impacted art. There was a decent amount of art on display although I must say the museum was smaller than expected. The most impressive piece was Joaquin Sorolla vision of Spain a very beautiful display. I left this museum with a better understanding of how Hispanic culture impacted paintings, ceramic art, and literacy. Once I arrived at The Hispanic Society of America I learned that the Sorolla Room was the biggest attraction here. When you first walk in you can immediately see why so many people would like it. The room displays 14 paintings that make up Joaquin Sorolla vision of Spain, all 14 paintings are very colorful and are still in great shape. Before I came to The Hispanic Society of America I didn’t have any knowledge of Sorolla work. I actually didn’t even know who he was. I learned some basic things about him such as he was born in Valencia, Spain and was known for portraits and paintings of historical themes. Sorolla died in 1923 a little more than 10 years after he finished painting “vision of Spain’’. Joaquin Sorolla was a …show more content…

When I got closer to read some information I learned that they date sack as for as second millennium B.C. used by the Bell-Beaker people. I have never heard about the Beaker I felt the need to research them mainly because the artifacts was so old out still in great shape. I was able to find that Beaker culture was just a term used for archaeological artifacts found all over Europe. I learned most of their artifacts are from the Bronze Age and some of the artifacts on display shows religious influences but not all of them. While these artifacts may not be as popular as the Sorolla Room the age and condition of these are very impressive and shows influences Spain had on the rest of Europe at that

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